Monday, September 13, 2021


Case Laws of Specific Relief Act.


Section 8

*  Partition---Possession, recovery of---Proof---Land in question was jointly owned by both the parties and plaintiffs sought recovery of possession on the basis of partition of land between them---Judgment and decree passed by Trial Court was set aside by Lower Appellate Court and the suit was decreed in favour of plaintiffs---Validity---Plaintiffs during evidence neither exhibited the order of partition nor copy of Roznamcha Waqiati showing delivery of possession to their predecessor-in-interest nor “Tatimma” made in favour of plaintiffs as a result of partition was produced---Plaintiffs relied more on “Naqsha Jeem” but such docu8ment was not signed by revenue officer or any other competent authority---Entries on the mutation were also not countersigned by competent authority---Mere entry in Register of Mutations did not have any sanctity in the eye of law---Plaintiffs failed to prove that suit-land was partitioned and possession of land was handed over to predecessor-in-interest of Plaintiffs---Judgment and decree passed by Lower Appellate court was set aside and that of the Trial Court was restored---Revision was allowed in circumstances.    

Shahnaz Akhtar and others    Versus    Riaz Hussain and others.

2012 C L C 366

Section 9

*   Suit for possession---Prerequisites stated.

    While deciding the suit under section 9 of the Specific Relief Act, 1877, the following prerequisites must be followed for arriving at lawful conclusion:

(i)    That the person suing must have been dispossessed;

(ii)    That such dispossession must be of immovable property;

(iii)    That such dispossession should be without consent and should be otherwise than in due course of law and

(iv)    That the suit is to be brought within the period of six months from the date of dispossession.

Zahir Hussain and 4 others    Versus      Bashir Muhammad and 5 others.

2012 C L C 377

SECTION 12 AND Sec 10, 11, 14, 15, 16, of Contract Act.

     No partial specific performance of conteact unless share of vendee, preoportion of price paid was mentioned in agreement in question.

1995 CLC 1751 LAH

SECTION 12(c) ,21(a) -19,22.

-Agreement providing adequate compensation in terms of money in case of non performance-specific performance shall not be granted.

PLD 1958 P.C 150

AIR 1929 P.C 190

1989 ALD 501

1989 CLC 916

specific relief act (India) by Annad & Ayyer 9th edition at page 660-661.

Three situations

1 penalty clause as a bond –for performance.

2 liquidated damager as compensation.

3 sums named is good substitution.


Existence of penalty clause –no bar to specific performance.

PLD 1952 PESH 32

1989 ALD 445

1990 ALD 776

1090 MLD 712

PLD 1991 S.C. 905

1991 CLC note 255 at p.198

SECTION 12 & 22

-Inadequacy of price no ground to refuse specific performance.

PLD 1994 SC 326

REL PLD 1981 KAR 170


-Vendor contracting on his behalf and on behalf of  some body else and the contact unenforceable in law to the extent of such some body’s share. Sec 15 held attracted and plaintiff could not cucceed unless he relinquished all claim to further performance and all right to compensation.

AIR 1925 LAH 465


AIR 1930 LAH 34

AIR 1930 CAL 457

AIR 1932 P.C. 43

AIR 1943 Nagpur 313

1979 CLC 499

AIR 1037 MAD 596


-Transaction proved to be for benefit of vendors including minors whose interest was safeguard and taken into consideration in sale transaction- suit rightly decreed by three courts.

1995 SCMR 982

-inadequacy of price no grant for refusing specific performance.

1995 CLC 1705

Sc.12, 27(b), 42, 54 of Specific Relief Act.

Sec. 41, proviso – Transfer of Property Act.

      Equitable doctrine of proviso to S. 41 which protected a subsequent transferee, it is upon subsequent transferor to establish that he had acted in good faith and had taken reasonable care such as checking with the Sub-Registrar etc. before entering into transaction and that he had given valuable consideration for such transfer. Such equitable doctrine was a deduction from the law of estoppel which must be pleaded clearly with specific facts. Burden of proof is always on the person who pleaded such protection.

Mst. Rubina Badar        Vs.    M/S Long Life Builders.

2012 SCMR 84

Rel: 2002 SCMR 2003


-subsequent purchase during pendency of suit steps into the shoed of alienor (original defendant) –agreement of sale in favour of plaintiff executed by ailerons could be specifically enforced as against subsequent purchase in terms of sec 29(b).

PLD 1995 LAH 255



-    Admittedly there being an arbitration agreement, defendant could not invoke Section-34 without resorting to arbitration procedure – Arbitration clause was an independent agreement between the parties which could be invoked, if a dispute or difference had arisen between the parties, therefore, termination of agreement would not supersede it…

Irrespective of non0existence of agreement, the arbitration clause survived and arbitrator had the power to resolve the dispute.

Mobilink  v.  Niamatullah Achakzai

2012 CLC 12 (Bloc) (DB)


-Void transaction would create no legal effect.

PLD 1995 LAH 313

Sect. 42

         Suit for declaration. One can file suit in respect of his own title to such legal character or right to property. Sect. 42 does not apply to a case where plaintiffs do not allege their entitlement to any legal character or right or its denial by defendants. But where right to his own legal character or property is not involved, such suit is not maintainable.

    Plaintiff did not approach the Court for declaration of his own right but challenged the defendants pretention. Suit was barred by Sect. 42.

Ilyas Ahmad        Vs.    Muhammad Munir.

PLD 2012 Sindh 92

Sect. 42

      Thumb impression on Sale Deed having been admitted, suit for declaration was not competent. However, suit for cancellation of sale deed was required to be filed.

Abul Rehman     Vs.    Mst. Karam Mai.

2012 CLC 238 Lah.



-Instrument not properly stamped not invalid but subject to disabilities –can be admitted in evidence on payment of deficit.

PLD 1989 KAR 371


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