Showing posts with label Rescissionformistake. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Rescissionformistake. Show all posts

Thursday, July 29, 2021

Rescission for mistake

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         Specific Relief Act,1877                         

                                  S.36 to 38

                           ====Rescission for mistake

                                   Points to Ponder.        

1-Contract be written.

2-Mere Mistake  is not suffice for rescission.

3- unless the party can be restored to status quo ante.

4-Both parties will be placed at point before contract.


S.37.    Alternative prayer for rescission in suit for specific performance

37. A plaintiff instituting a suit for the specific performance of a contract in writing may pray in the alternative that, if the contract cannot be specifically enforced, it may be rescinded and delivered up to be cancelled; and the Court, if it refuses to enforce the contract specifically, may direct it to be rescinded and delivered up accordingly.

Points to Remember:-

 1-The plaintiff may pray for alternative relief in  the specific performance of a contract.

 2-if the contract cannot be enforced.

3- it may be rescinded and delivered upto be cancelled.

4- The alternative relief is based on the same state of facts .

5- Conclusions may  be different as to law.


S,38.====Court may require party rescinding to do equity

38. On adjudging the rescission of a contract, the Court may require the party to whom such relief is granted to make any compensation to the other which justice may require.

         Points to Remember.


“he who seeks equity must do equity.”

  1-Equity is the fulcrum of the rescission.

 2-Relief taking party must be on equity scale.

3- Court may order for compensation to other party while rescinding.



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