Showing posts with label Legalmaxims. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Legalmaxims. Show all posts

Tuesday, October 13, 2020


                                       DOCTRINES   LEGAL

.1-Malfeasance * 

Malfeasance is the willful and intentional action causing injury to a party. Official misconduct, is the commission of an unlawful act, done in an official capacity willfully.Intentional  wrongful or unlawful conduct, especially by officials or public employees.Malfeasance is at a higher level of wrongdoing.

* Misfeasance is the willful inappropriate or incorrect action or advice.

The commission of a lawful act, done in an official capacity but  improperly causing  harm. 

"Nonfeasance," which is the failure to perform an official duty.Nonfeasance is the failure to act where to  act as per law,rules and social duties.Is duty of care in law of torts.

 It is will  neglect to perform duty.


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