Showing posts with label CAUSE OF ACTION. Show all posts
Showing posts with label CAUSE OF ACTION. Show all posts

Monday, October 12, 2020

cause of action in cpc

                                                 CAUSE OF ACTION   
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             Legal Parlance:- 

      Essential facts germinating a right and its infringement  entitles a person to bring a civil           suit against the wrong doer or any one liable for it.

Legal Rights of a person are infra;-

 1-PERSON-----                                        2-PROPERTY.

1-PERSON-     Inherent rights,  

 > Havining no discrimination  of   race, sex, nationality, Ethnicity, (the fact or state of belonging to a social group that has a common national or cultural tradition.) language, religion, or any other status.  

* Right to …..*live……..* liberty,  *Good Reputation,, …*freedom of opinion and,……. * the right to work…..*get  education,.. 

2-PROPERTY.          The rights of property corporal and intellectual ownership.

A-Moveable  and immoveable Property.

B-Non-human creatures like dogs, cats, horses or birds.

C-Intellectual property such as inventions, ideas, or words.

Infringement of any right ,a person set the law either CIVIL or CRIMINAL in to motion. Such Infringement is the reason to initiate legal process in the Civil court for violation of Civil Rights  .The reason for going to the court is called CAUSE Of ACTION.

You will have to express and establish cause of action in the Plaint. 

Cause of Action  is  :-

²    A) a set of Facts or Allegations.   B)    makes up the grounds,   C)     for filing a suit.

  Having no Definition in Civil Procedure Code1908 ,The term Cause of Action has been elucidated infra ; 

Also watch on yutube:-

cause of action.              

The term Cause of Action has been used infra ;

  I-Order II Rule 2-5,      ii-Order VII Rule 11(a),

The flow chart may be helpful to understand the term cause of action;



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