Monday, June 7, 2021

Pari delicto


In Pari Delicto Potior Est Conditio Possidentis 

Legal Parlance.  A Latin phrase. 

..Meaning / English

"in equal fault ,better is the condition of the possessor." 

•√ When the parties are equally at wrong, the status of the possessor is  better than opponent wrongdoer. 

•√ A person at wrongful act cannot sue another person for doing the wrongful act. 

The Court will do:-

°¶ When two parties  are equally at wrong, courts will not interfere with the status quo. 

** The doctrine germinates from, DO EQUITY,HAVE EQUITY, come with clean hands, propounded by the Maxim infra:-

        “Fraus omnia corrumpit”, 

a Latin locution, is a founding principle of law, and is the climax of the doctrine of clean hands, also known as the “dirty hand doctrine”

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